The 17-year-old Indonesian girl known as “The Sleeping Beauty” has gone viral among online users.

She hasn’t been able to be awakened from her sleep by anything or anyone. She can go for several days or even weeks at a time without waking up.
This condition is nothing more than a depressing phenomenon, despite being compared to the princess from a fairy tale who slept for a long time and woke up flawless and radiant.
Kleine-Levin syndrome (KLS), a rare disorder that causes recurrent episodes of excessive sleepiness, is what Siti Raisa Miranda, also known as Echa, suffers from. With this condition, a person’s memory of the 20 hours or more of sleep they get may be minimal or nonexistent.

Only one person in a million people have this rare syndrome, and there is currently no known treatment for it.
When Echa was just 13 years old in 2017, she slept for 13 days for the first time, which is what her family took her to the hospital to get diagnosed.
Her parents tend to her needs during her episodes, feeding her, changing her clothes, and surprising her by taking her on a toilet trip while she is asleep.
For those who don’t get enough sleep, sleeping for days might seem like a good idea or even a dream, but it won’t be good for a human’s health.
Episodes can trigger symptoms such as:
- hallucinations
- disorientation
- irritability
- changes in behavior
- increased appetite
- excessive sex drive
- confusion
Like everyone else with sleeping beauty syndrome, Echa finds it challenging to go about her daily activities, such as going to work, school, or other events, because she is always tired.