How hero parrot saved little girl who was choking on her breakfast

In 2008 Quaker parrot Willie alerted his owner Megan Howard when the little girl she was babysitting began to choke. Howard was in the bathroom when the parrot repeatedly yelled “Mama! Baby!” flapping his wings. Megan rushed and performed the Heimlich maneuver, saving her life. Willie received the Red Cross Animal Lifesaver Award. […]

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Inspirational Journey of Billy Owen From Cancer Patient to Zombie Actor

A man called Billy Owen lost an eye and half of his face to cancer and used it to start a career as a zombie actor. […]

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Husband saves wife’s life by donating kidney after spending a year dieting and exercising

In 2015, PJ Spraggins saves wife’s life who suffers from Lupus by donating kidney after spending a year dieting and exercising to get his blood pressure low enough for surgery. […]

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Mario Segale, Developer Who Inspired Nintendo to Name Super Mario

Super Mario is named after real-life businessman Mario Segale, who was renting out a warehouse to Nintendo. After Nintendo fell far behind on rent, Segale did not evict them but gave them a second chance to come up with the money. Nintendo succeeded and named their main character after him. […]

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Inspiring story of Jono Lancaster, Abandoned by His mother at birth for this ‘defect’ on his face

When Jono Lancaster was just 36 hours old, his parents left him for adoption because he was suffering from Treachers Collins Syndrome, a genetic disorder which hampers facial bones development. Now he is an inspirational speaker, a professional model and a teacher, giving inspiration to millions […]

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5 Ways to Make Exercise a Regular Part of Your Routine

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and general wellbeing requires regular exercise. Finding the drive and perseverance to exercise frequently can be difficult for many people. These practical tips can help in that situation. […]

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Morgan’s Wonderland, the world’s first ultra-accessible amusement park

Gordon Hartman was heartbroken when his special needs daughter, Morgan, was rejected by a group of children playing by the hotel poolside. He then set out to build a place where all children can play together. This led to the development of the world’s first ultra-accessible amusement park, Morgan’s Wonderland […]

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Timothy Ray Brown, who inspired millions of HIV-positive people, died of leukemia

Timothy Ray Brown, also known as “The Berlin Patient,” was the first person to be HIV-free. He was diagnosed with leukemia in 2006 and had a bone marrow transplant in 2007 as part of his treatment. The transplant helped him overcome the otherwise incurable disease thanks to the rare, HIV-resistant donor. […]

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Billy Ray Harris: A Story of Kindness and Honesty

In 2013, a homeless man named Billy Ray Harris discovered a $4,000 engagement ring in this cup. A woman had dropped while giving him some change. He returned the ring to her two days later. To thank him for his honesty, she set up a fund with the goal of raising $4,000 for him. It earned more than $185,000. […]

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