When Boredom Strikes

A subway in Chongqing passes through a building (images)

A train has been constructed through an apartment complex in Chongqing, China. The 19-story residential structure is not only passed by the light rail passenger train, but it also serves as a transit stop. Apartment residents can simply get a ride from the sixth to eighth levels.

A 19-story skyscraper housing hundreds of people is crossed every two minutes by a subway in the south-eastern Chinese city of Chongqing. The skyscraper is directly adjacent to Line 2 of the city’s public transportation system, and between the sixth and eighth floors there is a rail stop called Liziba!

A subway in Chongqing passes through a building 1
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One of the world’s biggest urban areas, Chongqing has a population of about 32 million people. The concept used by the architects to plan the subway route allowed the city to make use of the available area without razing the neighborhood. In addition to the convenience of having a stop just outside their door, residents also noticed a significant boost in the value of their properties, thus they gave their assent.

A subway in Chongqing passes through a building 2
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One of the 25 stops on Line 2, which connects the three districts of the city center, is Liziba, which is situated between the sixth and eighth floors of the same structure. The building project, which was finished in 2005, was created to lessen the noise and movement caused by the passing train. The noise is less than 60 decibels, or around the volume of a running dishwasher.

A subway in Chongqing passes through a building 3
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