A Brief History of the PlayStation Gaming Console

Sony’s PlayStation was never meant to be an actual product. Instead, it was intended to be a CD-ROM console that would support Nintendo games. However, when Nintendo backed out of the deal at the last minute, Sony went ahead and launched what soon became one of the most successful gaming consoles of all time. […]

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chand baori stepwell in Rajasthan India, Ancient cooling technique

This Chand Baori stepwell in Rajasthan, India is over 1200 years old. It’s called Chand Baori. The air at the bottom of the well is 5-6 degrees cooler than at the surface, so in addition to being a water source, it was used as a community gathering place where locals could escape the heat. […]

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Brazilian gang leader attempts to escape from Rio de Janeiro prison by dressing up as his daughter

In 2019, a Brazilian gang leader tried to escape from prison by dressing up as his daughter when she visited him behind bars and walking out of the penitentiary’s main door in her place. […]

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Qasr al-Farid, the Lonely Castle of the Nabataeans

The remote tomb of Qasr al-Farid, situated in the Saudi Arabian desert, dates back to the 1st Century CE. It was built by the Nabataean people, who also built Petra in Jordan. This site has remained largely undisturbed. […]

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Woman’s memory reset every two hours after traumatic accident

Riley Horner, an Illinois teenager was accidentally kicked in the head. As a result of the injury, her memory resets every two hours, and she wakes up thinking every day is June 11. Riley keeps detailed notes of events happening throughout the day, and sets an alarm on her phone every two hours to remind her to review them. Riley also keeps a calendar in her room to remind her what day it is? As she wakes up every morning confused, thinking it’s still June 11. […]

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The Mystery of the Dancing Forest: Reasons behind the unusual wonders of forest

The Dancing Forest in Russia is noted for its unusually twisted pine trees. The trunks of these trees are contorted into spirals, rings, and other squiggly loops, but the reason for this malformation is still a mystery. […]

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What Caused The Mysterious Patomskiy Crater in Siberia?

Discovered in 1949, the Patomskiy Crater resembles a huge convex cone with a funnel-shaped recess and a rounded hill in the middle, which looks like an eagle’s nest with an egg nestled inside it. The crater’s origin is a mystery that has baffled scientists for decades. […]

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Albert Spaggiari: The Man Who Stole 45m Francs And Was Never Caught

In 1976, French gangster Albert Spaggiari was arrested after his gang stole 100 million francs worth of valuables from a bank. At his trial, he distracted the judge then jumped out of a window and fled on a motorcycle set up for him. He was never caught and died a free man. […]

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