Man Trapped in the Sahara Desert Constructs a Bike From His Broken-Down Car to Save His Life

A man who became lost in the desert disassembled his broken-down car and turned it into a functional motorcycle, which he used to escape. […]

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The birth or sign language in Nicaragua

When 50 deaf Nicaraguan children who did not know sign language were placed in the same classroom, they created their own sign language. Scientists are still researching the unique spontaneous appearance of language, as well as its own evolution and training of grammar. […]

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A flight attendant uses a secret note to save a teen girl from sex trafficking

The flight attendant Shelia Fredrick. She spotted a distressed girl with an older man. She left a note in the restroom on which the victim wrote that she needed some help. The girl was rescued from a human trafficker after the authorities were informed. […]

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Canadian Schoolteacher Discovers a Fossil That May Be 300 Million Years Old

School teacher discovers extremely rare fossil of unknown animal that maybe 300 million years old. One high school teacher was walking her dog when she made a once-in-a-lifetime find. It turns out that the fossil is probably 300 million years old and came from an extinct species of reptile. […]

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A subway in Chongqing passes through a building (images)

A train has been constructed through an apartment complex in Chongqing, China. The 19-story residential structure is not only passed by the light rail passenger train, but it also serves as a transit stop. Apartment residents can simply get a ride from the sixth to eighth levels. […]

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In Pakistan, this banyan tree has been arrested since 1898

In Pakistan, a tree has been arrested and chained since 1898. When a British officer who was drunk assumed it was leaving its place, it was arrested. The tree, which is presently located on the grounds of the Pakistan Army’s Landi Kotal cantonment, continues to attract visitors and locals everywhere. […]

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A man who was saved from committing suicide 16 years ago now assists people dealing with mental health issues

Kevin Berthia traveled to the Golden Gate Bridge in 2005 to commit suicide. He ended up spending 92 minutes on the edge of the bridge talking to officer Kevin Briggs about his life. In much better circumstances, they cross paths at the same bridge ten years later. […]

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Man gave his stem cell fund to a disabled boy

Dan Black, who was paralyzed in a bike accident, spent four years raising 20,000 for a stem cell treatment that could let him walk again. However, after learning about a five-year-old boy with cerebral palsy, he donated the funds for the boy’s medical treatment in order to enable him to take his first steps. […]

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