The Astonishing Case of Sanju Bhagat: Living with a Twin Inside Him for 36 Years

Sanju Bhagat, an Indian farmer, lived with an undiagnosed parasitic twin inside his abdomen for 36 years. In 1999, doctors discovered the twin during surgery. This rare condition, fetus in fetu, occurs when a malformed twin is absorbed during pregnancy, surviving within the host sibling’s body. […]

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The Real-Life Sleeping Beauty: A Girl with Hypersomnia Syndrome

An Indonesian 17-year old teenager Siti Raisa Miranda or Echa, has a rare medical condition formally called Kleine-Levin syndrome (KLS) where she can sleep for days and weeks without being woken up. Echa was only 13 when she first slept for a week. She’s now 17, and her parents still need to feed her and change her clothes when she experiences the deep levels of grogginess. […]

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Henrietta Lacks: Who Was She? Here’s how HeLa cells became necessary for medical research

Henrietta Lacks was died in 1951. The tumor that killed her has been alive and growing to this day. The tumor is immortal and was used to progress the Polio vaccine and is the jumping point for most human cell research to this day. Scientists have grown some 20 tons of her cells. […]

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Inspirational Journey of Billy Owen From Cancer Patient to Zombie Actor

A man called Billy Owen lost an eye and half of his face to cancer and used it to start a career as a zombie actor. […]

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How Being Bugs Bunny Helped This Voice Actor Out of Coma

Mel Blanc; the voice of Bugs Bunny, had been in a serious car accident that put him in a coma. After many unsuccessful attempts to get him to talk, a doctor asked “Bugs, can you hear me” Mel responded in the voice of bugs bunny, “Whats up, Doc? The doctors used this to lead him out of his coma. […]

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A man who has been suffering from headaches for nearly six months discovers chopsticks lodged in his brain

When it was discovered that a Vietnamese man with headaches and vision problems had chopsticks lodged in his brain, the doctors were almost as surprised as the man himself. […]

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Woman’s memory reset every two hours after traumatic accident

Riley Horner, an Illinois teenager was accidentally kicked in the head. As a result of the injury, her memory resets every two hours, and she wakes up thinking every day is June 11. Riley keeps detailed notes of events happening throughout the day, and sets an alarm on her phone every two hours to remind her to review them. Riley also keeps a calendar in her room to remind her what day it is? As she wakes up every morning confused, thinking it’s still June 11. […]

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Martin Couney, Saved Thousands of Premature Babies Wasn’t a Doctor at All

Martin Couney never qualified as a medical doctor. However, in the 1900s, he saved thousands of premature babies by exhibiting them in incubators at his Coney Island sideshow. Over the course of his career, he is said to have saved about 6,500 babies that had previously been written off by mainstream medicine. […]

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Inspiring story of Jono Lancaster, Abandoned by His mother at birth for this ‘defect’ on his face

When Jono Lancaster was just 36 hours old, his parents left him for adoption because he was suffering from Treachers Collins Syndrome, a genetic disorder which hampers facial bones development. Now he is an inspirational speaker, a professional model and a teacher, giving inspiration to millions […]

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The extraordinary case of Olivia Farnsworth, who hit by a car and dragged down the street without pain because of chromosome 6 deletion

In 2016, 7-year-old Olivia Farnsworth was hit by a car and dragged down the street, but she did not feel a thing. That is because of a rare condition called “chromosome 6 deletion,” which causes her to feel no pain. She also does not experience hunger or exhaustion. […]

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