Henry Ford, The man popularizing the concept of the weekend off

Henry Ford was the first Industrial Giant to give his employees both Saturday and Sunday off in the hope of encouraging more leisurely use of automobiles and thus popularizing the concept of the “weekend.” […]

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Roller Coasters were First Invented to Distract People from sin

Roller coasters were invented to distract Americans from sin. In the 1880s, hosiery businessman LaMarcus Thompson didn’t like that Americans were going to places like saloons and brothels and created the first roller coaster on Coney Island to persuade them to go there instead. […]

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Nearest Green, America’s first known Black master distiller

Nathan “Nearest” Green was an African-American head stiller who is now more frequently referred to as a master distiller. He was renowned for imparting his distilling knowledge to Jack Daniel, the creator of Jack Daniel’s Tennessee whiskey distiller, after Jack Daniel was freed from slavery following the American Civil War. […]

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Self-taught William Kamkwamba built a windmill for his town

A Malawian teenager who taught himself how to build a windmill out of junk and bring power to his village. He then went on to build a second, larger windmill to power irrigation pumps. He did this all from books he read in the library. […]

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Hedy Lamarr, A Hollywood actress who also a mathematician and inventor

Hollywood actress Hedy Lamarr was also a mathematician and the inventor of frequency hopping spread spectrum, a technology still used for bluetooth and wifi […]

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