Smart guy brings life-sized cutout of his late mother to his graduation

Even though that his mother passed away in 2016, a young man had a clever idea to make a life-size cutout of her and bring it to the event so that she could attend his graduation ceremony. […]

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Mom Cries After Seeing Her Deceased Daughter in Virtual Reality

Jang Ji-Sung lost her 7-year-old daughter to haemochromatosis in 2017, a rare disorder in which the body absorbs too much iron. The two reunited through the use of virtual reality technology. […]

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The Giant Mirrors Brought Sunlight to Rjukan

Due to the steep mountains that surround it, the town of Rjukan, Norway, doesn’t receive any natural sunlight from September to March. They placed large mirrors in the town square to reflect light. The mirror follows the path of the sun and moves every 10 seconds to create a 600m squared light pool. […]

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The incredible story of a plane that lost its roof in mid-flight and the light signal that saved 94 lives.

On April 28, 1988, Aloha Airlines flight 243 was on the way to Honolulu from Hilo when a huge portion of the upper part of the fuselage blew off the airplane. […]

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Quaker Oats Fed Children with Radioactive Oatmeal

In the 1940s and 1950s, Quaker Oats and MIT conducted experiments on radioactive iron and calcium-containing cereal. The diet was part of a study to see if the nutrients in Quaker oatmeal traveled throughout the body. In January 1998, a $1.85 million settlement was reached for 30 victims who came forward. […]

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The great robbery: 300 million yen robbery

In 1968, a car driven by bank employees was pulled over by a motorcycle cop claiming the car had been rigged with a bomb. The cop got under the car to “defuse” the device. When the car started to smoke, everybody ran. Then the “cop” just drove the car away. The 300M Yen robbery remains unsolved […]

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What exactly was the US’s ‘Ghost Army’ during WWII?

During WW2, there was a special unit of men dubbed the ‘Ghost Army’. The unit was made of artists, creative and engineers and their job was to create deception about the enemy. From inflatable tanks to phony convoys to scripted conversations in bars intended to spread disinformation, they used all possible tricks to fool the enemy. […]

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1972 Andes Plane Crash Survivor recall the terrifying Struggles to Stay Alive

On October 13, 1972, a plane carrying a rugby team from Uruguay crashed in the Andes between Chile and Argentina. The survivors were in brutal conditions – high altitude, bitter cold, and the lack of food—and faced the most terrible choice—eating the frozen flesh of their dead friends or starving to death themselves. […]

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