What exactly was the US’s ‘Ghost Army’ during WWII?

During WW2, there was a special unit of men dubbed the ‘Ghost Army’. The unit was made of artists, creative and engineers and their job was to create deception about the enemy. From inflatable tanks to phony convoys to scripted conversations in bars intended to spread disinformation, they used all possible tricks to fool the enemy. […]

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Charlie Brown and Franz Stigler incident: Enemy became friends

During WWII, a German pilot spotted an American pilot’s crippled plane in the sky. Tailing it, he noticed that gunner was dead, crew injured, and they posed no threat. Instead of destroying the plane, he led it to safety. 40 years later, the two pilots reunited. […]

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Nicholas Winton ‘British Schindler’: Man who rescued 669 Czech children from Nazis

A man named Nicholas Winton saved 669 kids during WWII and lived almost all his life without letting people know. […]

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Nuclear bomb accidentally dropped on North Carolina in 196

4 January 1961: The 4241st Strategic Wing’s Boeing B-52G-95-BW Stratofortress, serial number 58-0187, was on a 24-hour airborne alert mission off the United States’ Atlantic Coast. […]

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