The Terrifying Mount St. Helens Eruption is Captured by the Robert Landsburg Photographs

Robert Landsburg, a photographer who upon realisation that he is going to die in the mount St. Helens eruption of 1980 lay down on top if his equipment to preserve the photographs he had taken of the events. Landsburg‘s body was found 17 days later, buried in ash with his film intact. […]

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Taal volcano: The Island in a Lake on an Island in a Lake on an Island

Lake Taal, on the island of Luzon, in the Philippines archipelago’s northernmost reaches, is unique. It’s now one of just two lakes in the world with a third-order island within it, with the lake itself being a part of the order. In other words, Lake Taal, which is located on the island of Luzon, has a volcano (Volcano Island), a lake (Crater Lake), and its own little island (Vulcan Point). […]

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10 world’s most destructive and dangerous volcanic eruptions in history

Volcanic eruptions can devastate cities, change the world’s atmosphere, and devastate economic systems. They can create molten lava rivers, mudslides, suffocating ash, and poisonous gases that cause chaos around the world for years. A volcanic explosion’s effects can be massive, from its size to its death toll to its economic cost. Here is ten world’s most destructive and dangerous volcanic eruptions in history. […]

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