Common Habits that have a bad effect on Your Liver

The importance of your liver should come as no surprise. Filtering blood from the digestive tract, detoxifying toxins, metabolic function, and much more are all responsibilities of this crucial organ. That’s why it’s important to understand how certain lifestyle choices might jeopardize your liver’s health, which, in turn, jeopardizes your entire health. […]

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Albert Einstein’s brain after it was stolen from his body

Albert Einstein’s brain was taken by the opportunistic pathologist who performed his autopsy hours after he died and kept in two jars for 30 years. The stolen brain of Albert Einstein was preserved in a cookie jar for 30 years until being discovered by a journalist. […]

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Unique Dining table with a hole for your cat to peek and join you dinner.

Dinos, a Japanese internet shop, has launched a new range of cat furniture, which includes this oak table with a hole in the middle and a perch underneath. It places your cat companion in the center of the table, making your cat the main focus of your meal, as it should be, because cats are the true proprietors of “your” home. […]

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Death Valley’s sailing stones mystery SOLVED

The mysterious “sailing stones” of Death Valley have confused experts for years. The massive stones appear to travel over the dried lake bed known as Racetrack Playa in California’s Death Valley National Park, leaving a path in the cracked mud behind them. […]

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