A woman finds her ex-boyfriend living in her attic 12 years after they broke up

Most people have heard of “things that go bump in the night,” but for one South Carolina lady, that “thing” was her ex-boyfriend, whom she discovered living in her attic more than 12 years after they broke up. […]

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The Horrific story of Ariel Castro and the Cleveland abduction

Cleveland abduction victims Gina DeJesus, Michelle Knight, and Amanda Berry were forced to live in Ariel Castro’s house of horrors for 10 years. He raped and beat them until they escaped in 2013. […]

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Poto And Cabengo: The Secret Language Of Twins

Poto and Cabengo, as the two girls called each other, communicated in their own language. The twins were ignored by their parents and secluded from the outside world because their father felt they were developmentally retarded, and their unique language evolved as a result of that neglect. […]

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