In 2018, a 30-year-old survived a close-range gunshot thanks to silicone implant

In 2018, a 30-year-old woman from Toronto, Canada survived a close-range gunshot thanks to her silicone breast implant. Doctors believe that the implant deflected the bullet away from her vital organs, and her only injury was a fractured rib. […]

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George Dantzig solved two famous “unsolved” problems in statistics mistakenly as assignment

In 1939, George Dantzig arrived late to his statistics class. On the board were two famous “unsolved” problems in statistics written as an example by his professor. Dantzig mistook the examples for homework assignments. He solved the “unsolved” problems and submitted the homework to his professor a few days later. His solutions earned him a doctorate. […]

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The extraordinary case of Olivia Farnsworth, who hit by a car and dragged down the street without pain because of chromosome 6 deletion

In 2016, 7-year-old Olivia Farnsworth was hit by a car and dragged down the street, but she did not feel a thing. That is because of a rare condition called “chromosome 6 deletion,” which causes her to feel no pain. She also does not experience hunger or exhaustion. […]

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The viral stray dog walked up to a pharmacy in Istanbul and showed an injured paw

Back in 2019, a stray dog walked up to a pharmacy in Istanbul and showed an injured paw to the pharmacist who then treated the wound and gave the dog food and water. The incident was caught on video, which went viral instantly. […]

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The Remarkable story of jazz bassists Henry Grimes, lost but found as janitor and reclaimed the spotlight

Henry Grimes, one of the most versatile jazz bassists, disappeared in the 1960s and was later presumed dead. However, a jazz-loving social worker found him in 2002 working as a janitor in a hotel. Grimes found his way back into the limelight when a fellow musician sent him a bass as a gift. In 2016, he received a lifetime achievement award. […]

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What Was the Beast of Gévaudan?

Between 1764 and 1767, a mysterious animal called the Beast of Gévaudan terrorized the French village called Gévaudan. It attacked and killed about 100 adults and children. While most believe it was a wolf, some say it may have been a wolf-dog hybrid, hyena or even a lion, but without any genetic evidence, the beast will remain a mystery forever. […]

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Nordlingen, The Town Inside A Meteorite Crater With Millions Of Meteorite Diamonds

The German town of Nördlingen is embedded with 72,000 tons of microscopic diamonds. About 15 million years ago, a meteorite hit this region, and the impact created a massive depression and formed rocks containing diamonds, glass, and crystals. The town was built in the impact crater sometime around 898 CE. […]

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