The Crystal Maiden of the Actun Tunichil Muknal Cave

Located in Belize, there is a cave where the remnants of ancient Maya human sacrifices can be witnessed. However, reaching the back of the cave system requires swimming, wading through a cave river, and crawling through narrow, uneven rocky passages in darkness. Once there, visitors can walk among the numerous corpses of sacrifice victims, including The Crystal Maiden, an 18-year-old whose skeleton has become calcified to the point of sparkling. […]

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Blind dog guides by goose, Story of Boxer and Buttons’ friendship

When Baks the blind dog was left blinded after an accident, his friend Buttons became his seeing-eye-goose by hanging on to him with her neck and honking to direct him. […]

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For the First Time in 60 Years, Scientists Discover a ‘Lost’ Echidna Species

An expedition team in Indonesia discovered the elusive, egg-laying animal (Echidna) named after David Attenborough, which had not been seen since 1961. […]

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Elvita Adams jumps from the Empire State Building and amazingly survived

Elvita Adams once tried to commit suicide by jumping off the empire state building. She Jumped from the 86th floor but was blown back to 85th floor by a strong gust of wind. […]

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Marion Stokes recorded 30 years of television

Marion Stokes, a Philadelphia woman began taping whatever was on television in 1979 and didn’t stop until her death in 2012. The 71,000 VHS and Betamax tapes she made are the most complete collection preserving this era of TV. They are being digitized by the Internet Archive. […]

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A man who has been suffering from headaches for nearly six months discovers chopsticks lodged in his brain

When it was discovered that a Vietnamese man with headaches and vision problems had chopsticks lodged in his brain, the doctors were almost as surprised as the man himself. […]

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