In 1954, an Extraterrestrial Bruiser Shocked This Alabama Woman.

In the year 1954, a grapefruit sized meteorite crashed through the roof of a farm house in Alabama, bounced off a large wooden console radio and hit Ann Hodges while she was napping on her couch. This was the first confirmed case of a person to be hit by a meteorite. […]

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Mario Segale, Developer Who Inspired Nintendo to Name Super Mario

Super Mario is named after real-life businessman Mario Segale, who was renting out a warehouse to Nintendo. After Nintendo fell far behind on rent, Segale did not evict them but gave them a second chance to come up with the money. Nintendo succeeded and named their main character after him. […]

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Chilling Story Behind the Amber Hagerman’s Murder And The AMBER alert system

Amber Hagerman is the reason we have the Amber alert or a child abduction emergency alert system. As of April 2019, 957 children rescued specifically because of AMBER Alert. To this day, the Amber behind Amber alert is still waiting for justice. […]

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Pierre Brassau: The chimpanzee painter who deceived the avant-garde world

Abstract paintings by a previously unknown artist “Pierre Brassau” were exhibited at a gallery in Sweden, earning praise for his “powerful brushstrokes” and the “delicacy of a ballet dancer”. None knew that Pierre Brassau was actually a 4 year old chimp from the local zoo. […]

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People are freaked out because they keep finding ‘help me’ messages under the cap of Sobe bottles

With their bottle caps that said, “Help me, I’m trapped in SoBe factory,” SoBe Beverage discovered the hard way that forced labor is serious business. This is an example of when humor can be overdone. […]

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Tunnels Dug by ancient giant sloths, A South American Megafauna

For years, scientists didn’t know what caused mysterious cave networks in South America. In 2010, they learned that the caves were actually tunnels dug by ancient giant sloths […]

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