The rescuing hug – the touching story of twins Brielle and Kyrie Jackson

Brielle and Kyrie Jackson’s lifesaving hug was captured when Brielle was struggling to breathe and going blue. As a final option, the nurse deviated from protocol and placed them in the same incubator. Kyrie wrapped her arm around her sister, who immediately began to stabilize […]

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Lucy and Maria The Biracial Twin Sisters with Rare Black and White Skin Colours

Lucy and Maria Aylmer are twins, but they have a hard time to convincing people. Even though they have mixed-raced parents, their mom was still shocked when the midwife handed her babies she’d expected to look alike, but were complete opposite. […]

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Woman had no idea she had an identical twin until she saw a ‘lookalike’ on YouTube

When Anais Bordier saw a YouTube video of Samantha Futerman, who looked exactly like her, she messaged her on Facebook and discovered they were both adopted and born on the same day. They were identical twins who had been separated at birth and had found each other by chance and on social media. […]

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Poto And Cabengo: The Secret Language Of Twins

Poto and Cabengo, as the two girls called each other, communicated in their own language. The twins were ignored by their parents and secluded from the outside world because their father felt they were developmentally retarded, and their unique language evolved as a result of that neglect. […]

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June and Jennifer Gibbons The silent twin who Only Spoke to Each Other

Identical twins June and Jennifer Gibbons were born on 11 April 1963 at a military hospital in Aden, Yemen where their father worked as part of the Royal Air Force. […]

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