Smart girl saves her family more than 100 people in 2004 tsunami

In 2004, a 10-year-old girl saved her family and 100 other tourists from the Asian tsunami because she had learned about the giant waves in a geography lesson, it has emerged. […]

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Poland’s Krzywy: The Mysteries of the Crooked trees

In Poland, there is a forest with 400 crooked trees that have a 90-degree bend at the base of their trunks. Despite of numerous possibilities, the real reason and how it evolved remain a mystery. […]

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How Were the Two Parts of the Al Naslaa Rock Formation Created?

Scientists have been puzzled by the Al Naslaa rock formation in Saudi Arabia for a long time, and there is still no explanation for why this boulder appears to have a precise incision across the middle of it. […]

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El Ojo, The Mysterious Rotating Island

In the middle of South America, a strange and nearly perfectly circle island moves on its own. The central landmass, known as ‘El Ojo’ or ‘The Eye,’ floats on a pond of clear and chilly water, looking strange and out of place in comparing to its surroundings. The bottom appears to be solid in compared to the marsh around it. […]

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Death Valley’s sailing stones mystery SOLVED

The mysterious “sailing stones” of Death Valley have confused experts for years. The massive stones appear to travel over the dried lake bed known as Racetrack Playa in California’s Death Valley National Park, leaving a path in the cracked mud behind them. […]

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11 Amazing and famous rock formations around the world

For many years, people have been attracted to these spectacular-looking boulders because of their shape, components, location, or picturesque surroundings. Many of them are massive, and seeing them is an amazing experience. […]

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8 most amazing natural phenomena on earth

Nature is elusive and unpredictable, and the unexplained manifestations of its influence often leave us speechless. Though you might believe that shifting rocks and blood-colored rain are a prank or a magical phenomenon, science has an explanation for (almost) anything. […]

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