A man joins a search operation without realizing he is the missing person

Beyhan Mutlu, a Turkish national, was reported missing by local media and unintentionally joined search teams looking for himself in a forest. He was drunk and lost in the woods when he ended up in a group with others looking for himself. […]

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Iranian inmate dies from happiness after finding out he will not be executed

An Iranian man who was convicted of murder reportedly died from happiness after learning that his death sentence was being commuted. […]

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Protest posters with a polite message

Protest happens when people think they need to go out to their houses and fight for their rights and end up in violence but not all protesters have bad posters and banners and in fact, some of them are very polite that you will realize you are not in a protest. […]

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Photos of dogs who were stung by bees yet remained adorable

Flies are sky raisins, aren’t bees jalapeno sky raisins as well? Please note: you are a terrible person if you laugh at this gallery, just kidding. Enjoy the photos of dogs who were stung by bees yet remained adorable. […]

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People Who Got Their Sweet And Savage Revenge On Their Cheating Partners

Being a victim of cheating is incredibly painful, especially if you have devoted your entire life to them. Some will simply move on and accept reality, but others will seek revenge in a savage and humorous manner. I hope they have moved on with their lives, but here are some of the Best but savaged ways of revenge on their cheating partner. […]

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Struggles That Only Short People Can Understand

While height is just an amount, some people wish they were taller. The main explanation for this is that certain basic aspects of daily life, such as reaching for the top shelf, turning off the lamp, or even getting into your own bed, can be very difficult. If you feel like you’ve gotten the short end of the stick in life, remember what they say: “Good things come in small packages.” […]

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30 Best Funny Ironic Accidents of All Time

We know we shouldn’t laugh at other people’s misfortunes, yet we can’t help but laugh because of the tragedy, humorous, or just plain funny images. The irony is a cruel mistress but we recognize that there is a point at which you should be able to laugh at it; after all, humor is the best medicine! We hope that the persons in these cases escaped with only minor injuries. Some of these circumstances seem to be risky, and something serious may have occurred, so we hope this list does not offend anyone. […]

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11 moments that caught exactly before tragedy happened

There are unexpected moments, and some of them are not amusing. Even if you are careful, if fate is not on your side, you will end up with a not-funny failure, but when you capture it right before the tragedy, it is difficult to control your laughter. Here are 11 images that will undoubtedly make you laugh out loud. […]

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