The true story of Josephine Myrtle Corbin, the lady born with four legs and two private parts

Josephine Myrtle Corbin, an American sideshow performer born in 1868, had a rare condition known as dipygus, which caused her to have four legs, each smaller inner leg paired with one of her outer legs. Corbin joined the sideshow circuit, captivating audiences as the “Four-Legged Girl from Texas.” […]

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The Incredible Story of Martin Laurello, The Sideshow Performer With The Revolving Head

Martin Laurello was also known as ‘The human owl’. He was born with the ability to turn his head a full 180 degree. […]

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The true story of Annie Oakley, legendary sharpshooter

Anne Oakley was such a good shooter that she could split a playing card help edge-on, hit dimes thrown into the air, shoot cigarette from her husband’s lips, and pierce a playing card thrown into the air before it hit the ground. […]

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The story of Lionel the Lion-Faced Man, Stephan Bibrowski

Stephen Bibrowski, also known as Lionel the Lion-faced Man, was a well-known sideshow entertainer. His entire body was covered in long hair, giving him the appearance of a lion; this was most likely due to a rare condition known as hypertrichosis. Lionel traveled to the United States in 1901 and began performing with the Barnum and Bailey Circus. […]

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The Heartbreaking Story Of Ella Harper, The ‘Camel Girl’

Ella Harper, Professionally known as the “Camel Girl” was born with a rare orthopedic condition that cased her knee to bend backward. Due to this condition, had to walked on all four legs, which resulted in her nickname as “Camel Girl”. Tough it was hard at first, but soon she made a fortune out of it. […]

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