For centuries, people have been fascinated and enchanted by the ghostly appearances of abnormally white animals. People have loved albinos and other unusually white animals so much that they may be helping to increase their numbers, despite the difficulties these animals face in the wild. While these unusual animals did not win the genetic lottery, they have persevered in the face of adversity.
1. The albino squirrels of Olney, Illinois

A small town in Illinois has been invaded with albino gray squirrels. There are a few stories of how it happened, but it seems that in 1902, someone took a few albino squirrels to a saloon and placed them on show. And after a while, the squirrels were released, and they obviously reproduced.
2. Lucky the albino lobster

Lucky the lobster is definitely like a pastel unicorn, but most likely its exquisite shell is due to albinism or leucism. While albinism is sometimes a disability, Lucky’s life has actually been saved. He was taken into a net by a fisherman but spared the restaurant biz. Now the lobster unicorn lives in an aquarium in Canada.
3. Onya-Birri the albino koala

In 1997, Onya-Birri the albino koala was born at the San Diego Zoo to two perfectly normal gray koalas. His name is derived from an Aboriginal (indigenous Australian) phrase that means “ghost boy” due to his white fur. Onya-Birri spent his first six months in his mother’s pouch because he is a marsupial.
4. The Seneca White Deer

The Seneca Army Depot in New York is home to a large herd of white deer. When the depot was built, these white-tailed deer were trapped within its fence, and as time passed, they bred and their population grew. These deer, however, are not true albinos because they have pigment in their eyes.
5. Snowflake the albino gorilla

Snowflake, the western gorilla of Western Lowland, was just a young man in the wild. He got home in Barcelona Zoo, where he spent 40 years living a complete life (normally gorillas live 30 to 40 years). However, his albinism was not a pleasant accident, although it was uncommon beauty for visitors to Zoo.
6. The wise white moose

White moose have been seen all over the world, including North America and Europe. They seem to be wise old woodland spirits sauntering across the grass, rivers, and trees. White moose, like any other leucistic or albino species, are rare, but their population may be increasing.
7. Migaloo Jr. the white humpback whale

Migaloo Jr., a white humpback whale, is thought to be the offspring of Migaloo, the very first white humpback whale documented. The two live off Australia’s east coast, but it’s uncertain if they’re albino or not. The name “Migaloo” is a Native word that means “white man,” so it’s an appropriate nickname.
8. The mythical white ravens of Vancouver Island

Numerous white ravens have hatched on Vancouver Island, Canada, where the genes are just right to produce these enigmatic birds. However, this is not the only location where white ravens have been seen. There are many myths and legends about them, ranging from Greek mythology to Native American legends.
9. The albino crested porcupine

The African crested porcupine, the world’s largest porcupine, lives in grassy and rocky regions of North and Sub-Saharan Africa, as well as Italy. When challenged, they form a crest with their quills, stomp their feet, click their teeth, and rattle their quills. If that doesn’t scare the predator away, the porcupine will run backwards and ram the possible attacker with its sharp quills.
10. Pinky the albino dolphin of Lake Calcasieu

Pinky the albino dolphin, swimming in Louisiana’s brackish Lake Calcasieu, shocked onlookers with its unusually pink eyes. Pinky seems to just be another fake internet animal or a summer camp tall story, but the dolphin has been in the region for at least eight years.
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