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Husband saves wife's life by donating kidney after spending a year dieting and exercising

In 2015, PJ Spraggins saves wife’s life who suffers from Lupus by donating kidney after spending a year dieting and exercising to get his blood pressure low enough for surgery.

A man lost seventy pounds over the course of a year in order to donate his kidney to his wife.

When PJ Spraggins learned he was Tracy’s ideal match, she was overjoyed. Tracy had been told her lifelong battle with lupus would end in death if she didn’t receive a transplant. The seven-year waiting list is lengthy.

However, the Birmingham, Alabama couple suffered a setback the following day when it was discovered that his blood pressure was too high to carry out the surgery.

Ignoring the diagnosis, PJ started an obsessive fitness regimen.

They finally received approval in December 2014. They underwent surgery together in February.

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Transformation: PJ and Tracy Spraggins (pictured, left, in 2006, and right in 2015) together lost 145lbs in one year so he could donate his kidney to her. On the transplant list, she would have had to wait seven years
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Made it! After a year of grueling dieting and exercise, PJ was given the green light to undergo surgery

“We both feel fantastic.” While Tracy is making sure she fully recovers, I’m gradually returning to my work as a music producer. However, the entire procedure has been incredible.

Tracy, who is currently 39 years old, was initially diagnosed with the kidney-damaging chronic inflammatory disease when she was six years old.

In 2013, a few months after her 34-year-old sister, who also had lupus, passed away due to complications from a kidney transplant, she was added to the transplant list.

A self-employed musician, PJ submitted himself for the weeks-long evaluation to see if he could donate his kidney because he knew that the seven-year wait might be too long.

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Journey: For a year, he kept losing weight and going in for tests, only to be told he needed to lose more
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Finally, he visited Nashville’s Vanderbilt hospital in December 2014, and the numbers all matched up

The good news was tempered with disappointment, though, as the doctors explained that the surgery could not proceed due to his size.

They said I was a perfect fit, but they still needed to make sure I was fit and compliant. I was sent a blood pressure monitor, but the readings didn’t sit well with them.

“That felt like a real gut punch.”

PJ weighed 265 pounds, and the doctors told him to drop 30 pounds before coming back for a check-up.

He did, but he had to change a flat tire the day of the test.

“My blood pressure was fluctuating wildly.” When the results were in, they once more said “no.”

It kept going after that.

After that, he was instructed to gain an additional 60 pounds at a hospital in Atlanta, Georgia.

Eventually, in December 2014, they arrived at Vanderbilt Hospital in Nashville. To guarantee that the readings were accurate, PJ made sure to take all reasonable steps.

I lay in bed all day with that blood pressure monitor on. And happily, everything checked out fine!”

On February 24, after the four-hour procedure together, the couple smiled broadly for a picture while wearing matching hospital gowns.

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Happy: Spraggins (pictured in hospital) described the feeling of dejection at every hurdle until they made it
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The couple, who married in 2003, are now back home and recovering in Birmingham

“My kidney function is currently operating at 100%.” And it’s at its best point ever,’ special needs teacher Tracy stated to Fox.

PJ stated to, “It’s been incredible.” It feels amazing to know that I did everything within my power to improve my wife’s quality of life. I’m overjoyed.

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As neither of them will be able to work during their recovery, it states that “while the actual cost of the kidney transplant itself would be covered, they would need at least two months of financial assistance to cover regular household expenses.” Your donations would be emensely appreciated.’


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