The importance of your liver should come as no surprise. Filtering blood from the digestive tract, detoxifying toxins, metabolic function, and much more are all responsibilities of this crucial organ. That’s why it’s important to understand how certain lifestyle choices might jeopardize your liver’s health, which, in turn, jeopardizes your entire health.
Regular Alcohol Consumption

One of the most common causes of liver cancer is alcohol. Because the liver is in charge of digesting everything a person consumes, excessive alcohol can result in aberrant liver function and chemical imbalance. According to the Canadian Liver Foundation, this can lead to health problems such as alcoholic hepatitis, cirrhosis, fatty liver, and even alcohol-induced liver disease.
It’s critical to keep track of how much alcohol you consume. In terms of height, weight, age, and other health considerations, each person’s body is unique. Adults should drink in moderation, with two drinks or less per day for men and one drink or less per day for women, according to the CDC recommendation.
Too Much Coffee Consumption

It’s never a good idea to drink too much coffee, especially if you’re using acetaminophen for pain treatment. Researchers discovered high levels of caffeine in liver tissue in a study performed with rat. The conclusion of this study is that drinking a lot of caffeine while also taking acetaminophen is bad for your liver.
This is not to suggest that coffee is really harmful to the liver. According to Liverstrong, small doses of caffeine can inhibit liver scarring in people with and even lower your risk of getting chronic liver disease if consumed in moderation — just don’t overdo it.
Excessive Salt Use

Salt can enhance the flavor of your food, but it can also be harmful to your liver’s health. High-salt diets have been linked to a variety of liver problems. “Misshaped cells, increased rates of cell death, and reduced rates of cell division – all of which can contribute to liver fibrosis,” according to medical news today.
When an abnormal quantity of scar tissue accumulates on the liver, it is called hepatic fibrosis. Limiting your salt consumption can help you avoid liver damage and fibrosis. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that Americans take only one teaspoon (2300 mg) of salt each day.
Too much Vitamin A

Vitamin A is an antioxidant that affects vision, growth, immunity, cell division, and reproduction in humans. Did you imagine, however, that too much vitamin A might be harmful? Taking more than 10,000 mcg of oral vitamin A pills each day for an extended length of time have risk of developing liver disease, according to Mayo Clinic, can harm your liver.