Baby Lynlee ‘born twice’ after life-saving tumour surgery

Baby Lynlee was “born twice.” First, surgeons brought her out of the womb to remove a spinal tumor. After the successful surgery, she was placed back and born again as a healthy baby girl. […]

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Husband saves wife’s life by donating kidney after spending a year dieting and exercising

In 2015, PJ Spraggins saves wife’s life who suffers from Lupus by donating kidney after spending a year dieting and exercising to get his blood pressure low enough for surgery. […]

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3 men lived on top of a billboard in tents for almost 9 months

From 1982-1983, three men in Allentown PA competed in a radio contest in which they lived on top of a billboard in tents. Whoever stayed up longest would win a house. Due to economic pressure from the recession, none of the contestants wanted to give up, so the contest lasted almost 9 months. […]

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The 1976 April Fools’ Pranks, Planetary Alignment

On April fool’s Day, 1976, the BBC convinced many listeners that a special alignment of the planets would temporarily decrease gravity on Earth. Phone lines were flooded with callers who claimed they felt the effects. […]

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How Being Bugs Bunny Helped This Voice Actor Out of Coma

Mel Blanc; the voice of Bugs Bunny, had been in a serious car accident that put him in a coma. After many unsuccessful attempts to get him to talk, a doctor asked “Bugs, can you hear me” Mel responded in the voice of bugs bunny, “Whats up, Doc? The doctors used this to lead him out of his coma. […]

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Circular Bridge Built To Slow Down Drivers So That They Would Enjoy The View (Photos)

Uruguay’s Laguna Garzon Bridge splits into a circle so drivers can slow down and enjoy the view. It also prevents head-on collisions and creates a walkway for pedestrians. […]

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Remembering the miracles of the 1985 Mexico earthquake (unbelievable stories)

In 1985, after an 8.0 magnitude earthquake hit Mexico City, nearly all newborn babies survived a collapsed hospital. They are known as “Miracle Babies” for surviving 7 days without nourishment, water, warmth or human contact. […]

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Why This Belgian Bar Makes You Trade Your Shoe for a Beer

To prevent tourists from stealing their beer glasses, some bars in Belgium require people to hand over one of their shoes as a deposit which is then put in a basket and hung from the ceiling. These shoe baskets have also become an attraction. […]

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