Workouts for Remote Workers at Home

Many people have recently become remote employees as a result of work-from-home instructions from businesses all around the world. And, with many parks, beaches, and gyms closed owing to the threat of COVID-19 spreading, people seek safe ways to stay active and healthy through solo workouts to avoid putting themselves in danger. […]

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Food for brain power

Paying attention to your diet can truly pay off, whether you want to optimize your nutrition during exam season or stay bright in your next business meeting. Although there is no specific ‘brain food’ that will prevent you from age-related illnesses like Alzheimer’s or dementia, thinking about what you eat can help you acquire the nutrients you need for cognitive health and mood. […]

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Common Habits that have a bad effect on Your Liver

The importance of your liver should come as no surprise. Filtering blood from the digestive tract, detoxifying toxins, metabolic function, and much more are all responsibilities of this crucial organ. That’s why it’s important to understand how certain lifestyle choices might jeopardize your liver’s health, which, in turn, jeopardizes your entire health. […]

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