Interesting Facts

Aitzaz Hasan, Pakistani school boy who sacrificed his life from suicide bomber

Aitzaz Hasan, a 15 year old Pakistani school boy, sacrificed his life while preventing a suicide bomber from entering his school of 2000 students. His father said "My son made his mother cry but saved hundreds of mothers from crying for their children."

The incident happened on January 6, 2014, after the 15-year-old ninth grader in the isolated village of Hangu, a district in Pakistan’s Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, reportedly arrived late to school. As punishment, the student was reportedly instructed to stand outside the Government High School Ibrahimzai’s gate with two other classmates.

According to reports, the group saw a man approaching their school who appeared to be in his 20s. When one of the students noticed a detonator, two of the students fled right away, but Hasan stayed to stop the bomber.

“I’m going to stop him”

He then declared, ‘I’m going to stop him,’ to them. He intended to apprehend this suicide bomber. “He is going to school to kill my friends,” he declared. Days after the incident, Hasan’s cousin Mudassar Hassan Bangish told the BBC that the man wanted to stop him.

One of the teachers who allegedly saw the incident claimed to have seen Hasan pursuing the bomber. The man managed to detonate the bomb, killing himself and Hasan, despite the teenager’s attempt to tackle him and stop him.

“The suicide bomber intended to kill all the students and destroy the school. In an interview with BBC, Bangish said, “It was my cousin who stopped him from this… destruction. There were about 2,000 students inside the school at the time.

Days after the bombing, the Sunni Muslim sectarian group Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, which sought to kill Shia Muslims, claimed responsibility for the attack.

Honouring a hero

Hasan’s father, speaking to Pakistan’s Express Tribune with pride rather than in mourning, said, “My son made his mother cry, but saved hundreds of mothers from crying for their children.”

Although it took the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government several days to acknowledge Hasan’s sacrifice, it eventually declared that a stadium would be built in his honor and that the name of the high school he attended would be changed to Shaheed Aitizaz Hasan Government High School.

Additionally, representatives from the provincial government paid a condolence visit to Hasan’s family.

Before taking office as Pakistan’s prime minister in 2018, Imran Khan served as the organization’s chairman. He expressed dissatisfaction with the way the government handled Hasan’s death and revealed in a tweet that he would be establishing a trust fund for the teen’s family.

On January 11, 2014, the government posthumously presented Hasan with the Sitara-e-Shujaat, Pakistan’s highest honor for valor.

In addition to the honors and recognition from the government, many activists and international organizations have praised Hasan for his bravery. Days after the incident, Malala Yousafzai, who had two years prior survived a Taliban attack in Pakistan, declared that she was “proud to belong to a country where many brave and courageous people like Aitzaz Hasan are born.” Hasan was also bestowed with the global bravery award by the International Human Rights Commission.

National and international response: The recognition and honors received by Aitzaz Hasan

The heroic deed of Aitzaz Hasan quickly went viral, grabbing the attention of not only the country but also the rest of the world. His bravery was shared with audiences everywhere when the story was covered by media outlets all over the world. People from all walks of life came together in their admiration and respect for Aitzaz’s selflessness, which dominated the public sentiment. Aitzaz’s story served as a reminder of the strength of bravery and compassion during a time when the news is frequently negative.

The sacrifice made by Aitzaz was not forgotten. He received numerous accolades and awards after his passing in recognition of his extraordinary bravery. Aitzaz’s legacy is still being honored, from the highest civilian awards in Pakistan to recognition on a global scale for his selfless deed. His name became synonymous with courage and his story serves as a reminder of the heroes among us who make the world a better place, even at the cost of their own lives.

Aitzaz’s legacy: Examining the lasting impact of his sacrifice on Pakistan’s fight against terrorism

Many people were moved by Aitzaz’s sacrifice and were motivated to fight terrorism and extremism as a result. His bravery served as a reminder to the country that all citizens, regardless of differences, have a duty to care for one another. Those who fight for a safer and more tranquil Pakistan and who refuse to let fear rule their lives carry on Aitzaz’s legacy.

The death of Aitzaz also directly influenced initiatives and policy changes in Pakistan’s war on terrorism. His account prompted the government to review security protocols and make investments in the defense of public buildings like schools. Aitzaz became a representation of tenacity and tenacity fueled efforts to make the environment safer for future generations. His sacrifice serves as a constant reminder that we must never falter in our pursuit of peace and justice.


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