When Boredom Strikes

24-year-old burglar beaten by retired boxer victim

A 24-year-old knife-wielding burglar attempted to get into the home of a 72-year-old senior in Oxford, England, in 2009, but was left battered, bruised, and pinned to the ground. Frank Corti, the elderly, turned out to be a former boxing champion.

Gregory McCalium, 24, suffered serious facial injuries when a knife-wielding criminal tried to rob his elderly neighbor in the English town of Botley near Oxford, according to a report by Britain’s SkyNews. On August 19, 2019, the would-be intruder broke into Frank Corti’s house without understanding the 72-year-old was a retired boxer.

A mug shot published by the Thames Valley Police showed the results after Corti disarmed his attacker, let fly with two punches to the face and restrained McCalium until the police came on the scene.

On Tuesday, McCalium was convicted to a 4 1/2-year sentence for the offense.

Corti told London’s Daily Mail, “Most people would have reacted in the same way. I was afraid when he first flung the knife. Where are we if you can’t protect what’s rightfully yours?

According to evidence in the case, Corti, a former member of the British armed forces, was at home with his wife during the mid-morning attack. According to the Daily Mail, McCalium, a bartender, may have harbored resentment due to a noise complaint made by the Cortis earlier that day.

According to the Daily Mail, prosecutor Angela Morris told McCalium before sentencing that “the jury might well have felt you got what you deserved.”


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