The human body has an amazing capacity for astonishment due to its intricate hidden workings. A man seeking relief from excruciating back pain came face to face with an extraordinary discovery: he had not two, but three kidneys. This is a remarkable story of medical curiosity and unanticipated discoveries. This article delves into the remarkable journey of this person, examining the initial symptoms that prompted him to seek medical attention, the startling discovery that he had three kidneys, as well as the implications and difficulties brought on by this uncommon condition. We’ll also delve into the world of polycystic kidney disease, discuss how it relates to having multiple kidneys, and shed light on the available treatments and the experiences of those who have this amazing anomaly.
The Unexpected Discovery and the story
With severe back pain, the 38-year-old drove himself to the Hospital do Rim in So Paulo. According to an article that appeared in the New England Journal of Medicine on Wednesday, doctors performed a CT scan.
A third kidney was discovered, which was quite shocking. His lower back pain was confirmed to be brought on by a herniated disk, a common condition that affects the spinal vertebrae.
Humans typically have two kidneys, but this man had two fused together near his pelvis in addition to one kidney that appeared normal.

One of the case study authors, Dr. Renato Foresto, told IFLScience, “We had never seen anything like this.” “The surprise was wonderful, followed by worry that the patient’s health might be compromised.”
The man had no known problems with the organs, and blood tests revealed that his kidneys were healthy and functioning normally.
His kidney function… was entirely normal. Since the source of the pain had already been identified and there had been no changes in the results of the laboratory tests, additional abdominal ultrasound and tomography was deemed unnecessary, Foresto continued.
After receiving care for his slipped disk, the patient was discharged.
According to a report in the Internet Journal of Radiology, having three kidneys is incredibly uncommon, with fewer than 100 cases documented in the literature, according to LiveScience.
According to a 2013 study, the majority of people are unaware they have a third kidney until one is identified through a separate medical procedure, as in the case of this patient.
Understanding Polycystic Kidney Disease
A genetic disorder known as polycystic kidney disease is characterized by the development of numerous fluid-filled cysts in the kidneys. These cysts can gradually enlarge and obstruct the kidneys’ ability to function normally, which can result in a number of complications. Men and women of all ages can be affected by PKD, and it frequently runs in families. Uncle Bob boasts about having two extra kidneys, so you might want to have yours examined as well.
Let’s now explore this kidney extravaganza’s causes and risk factors. Genetic changes that interfere with the normal growth and structure of kidney tissues are the main cause of PKD. It’s as though your kidneys made the decision to throw a “extra organ” party without your consent.
Regarding the risk factors, having PKD in your family increases your likelihood of inheriting the disease. So, if your great-great-grandmother Gertie had a habit of gathering kidneys, you might also possess some of her collection.
What exactly is the relationship between PKD and having multiple kidneys? So here’s the skinny. Both kidneys may experience the development of PKD-related cysts, which may multiply and enlarge over time. The kidneys may enlarge more than usual as a result of this expansion; in some cases, additional kidneys may even develop. It seems like your kidneys have decided to upgrade you, or maybe they just enjoy a good surprise.
The Implications and Challenges of Extra Kidneys
Even though having extra kidneys may sound like a superpower, there are some disadvantages. Potential effects on kidney function is one of them. The development of cysts can gradually reduce the kidneys’ capacity to remove waste from the blood in people with PKD. This can result in a decline in kidney function, which might call for treatment or, in extreme cases, dialysis. While having extra kidneys might be intriguing, it doesn’t necessarily make you a kidney superhero.
Having extra kidneys increases your risk of kidney-related complications in addition to kidney function issues. These may include kidney failure, high blood pressure, urogenital tract infections, kidney stones, and even high blood pressure. It’s as though your kidneys made the decision to throw a wild party complete with balloons (cysts) and potential catastrophes.
The extra kidneys may not endow you with a talent for the guitar, but they may have an adverse effect on your general health and wellbeing. You must take care of your kidney health, adopt a healthy lifestyle, and keep an eye out for potential complications if you have PKD and additional kidneys. It serves as a gentle reminder that self-care is essential, even when one has extra kidneys.